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San Francisco Bay Area Grading And Drainage Plans

Grading and drainage plan requirements vary by city/county.

Typical design for a grading and drainage plan in the San Francisco Bay Area includes the following design parameters:

1. California Building Code requirements - Impervious area adjacent to the foundation must slope away from the building at 2% minimum and landscaped areas adjacent to the foundation must slope away from the building at 5% minimum.

2. FEMA Requirements - Flat areas adjacent to the bay are commonly in flood zones. Typically, this leads to the finished floor and building pad being raised above the base flood elevation. 

3. ADA Compliance - Sidewalks in the public right a way shall be designed with 2% max cross slope. Level landings must be installed adjacent to building doorways. Curbs shall be in between 4" and 7" high. Curb depth shall be 11" minimum. 

4. Balancing Cut and Fill - Minimizing soil that needs to be removed or added to the site leads to minimizing cost.

5. Stormwater Compliance - Grading and drainage plans must be in compliance with stormwater standards. 

6. Geotechnical Report Compliance - Geotech reports typically contain grading and drainage plan requirements such as the need for foundation drains and/or perforated pipe adjacent to retaining walls. Also, they include information of maximum cut slopes and design of utility trenches.

City of San Francisco Grading Plan
A grading plan is required when modifying the curb, gutter, sidewalk, or driveway. Typical, design parameters include a 1.67% cross slope, a 6" curb, and level landings at doorways.
Grading work in the public right a way is reviewed by the Department of Public Works. Grading work within the property line is reviewed by the building department.
2018-08-07 159 Prospect Civil Plans 6.ti
Grading and drainage plans are required for new single family home projects in San Rafael. The project shown directs storm water away from the foundation and away from neighboring property lines. Stormwater from the roof is directed towards a bio-retention planter. 
City of San Rafael Grading and Drainage Plan
City of Oakland Grading Plan and Grading Permit Requirements
The city of Oakland Planning Department requires a grading plan if the project proposes any site grading. A grading permit is required when one building site exceeds fifty cubic yards of cut or an excavation is deeper then four feet.


San Francisco Civil Engineer Design Firm, Oakland Civil Engineer Design Firm, Alameda County Civil Engineer Design Firm, San Mateo County Civil Engineer Design Firm, Contra Costa County Civil Engineer Design Firm, San Rafael Civil Engineer, Marin Civil Engineer, Redwood City Civil Engineer, Hillsborough Civil Engineer. SF Civil is a San Francisco Bay Area  Civil Engineering Design Firm. 

Services include: San Francisco Preliminary Stormwater Control Plan, San Francisco Sidewalk Improvement Plan, San Francisco Grading and Drainage Plan, San Francisco Erosion Control Plan. Fremont Grading and Drainage Plan. Redwood City Grading and Drainage Plan. Drainage calculations. Santa Clara County Drainage Permit. Santa Clara County Drainage Calculations. 

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